We had a great shoot a couple of weeks ago with Dance Iquail, a company based in both Philly and here NYC. Along with doing headshots, background foundation imagery and some shots on the rooftop, we had loads of fun experimenting with water. We got the dancers set for the type of movement they wanted to capture and then with the help of the rest of the people in the studio threw full bottles of water at them while they were moving!
We found that the things that were most difficult to control in order to get a great shot, were the timing of the throws and the trajectory the water needed to travel in. We all got soaked, but a great time was had by all (or at least by me!) and needless to say, the studio was cleaner when we finished than when we started!
The director, Iquail Shaheed, is focused on eclectic movement but what most captured my imagination is his emphasis on story telling through his work. His goal is depicting, connecting and engaging his community by working on themes that are the everyday of their lives (at least that is what I get from working with them.. see for yourself at their next performance.Summerstage on July 2!)
Stay tuned for the next round of images with Dance Iquail: we will be working on specific pieces of choreography and story work and I’m supper excited to shoot the more dramatic moments of their work! Until their newly revamped website is up at danceiquail.org you can check them out on facebook and twitter. And check back in with us for an update and another Dance Iquail video soon!