In appreciation of your starring role in the DIQ community,
we are pleased to offer a number of benefits designed to enrich your Dance Iquail experience.
Click below to make a tax-deductible donation to DIQ!
Levels of Donation:
Friends ($1-$75)
Annual Newsletter from DANCE IQUAIL! Special Ticket Offers Learn about future productions, new artists and upcoming events through periodic email notices.
Sponsors ($75-$199)
All of the above, plus: periodic free guest passes for two (2) to open our special events (i.e. open rehearsals, season previews and other pre-production activities) Invitation to pre-show cocktail parties Listing in the season program and or marketing materials.
Contributors ($200-$599)
All of the above plus: Two (2) discounted tickets to DANCE IQUAIL’s annual gala Priority seating for the season performances Post-show dinners with the dancers and artistic director Personalized ticket priority booking service through the DANCE IQUAIL! Office.
Collaborators ($600-$1,000)
All of the above plus: Invitation for two (2) to an opening night performance and gala Invitation to behind-the-scenes artistic and outreach events Invitation to selected presentations of exciting new works in progress Your name and/or Company’s Logo posted on our website.
All of the above plus: Dedicated members aim to build a broad base of support for the activities of DANCE IQUAIL and to engage in intimate dialogues with the artistic leadership on all phases of the creative process. If you wish to be a Dance Iquail Champion, please contact him directly to discuss your contribution.