Iquail and I are about to embark on our 6th year of dancing together. I feel so lucky to have found a director that I’ve been able to dance for, for so many years. This company, and Iquail have helped shape me and my growth as a professional dancer and into adulthood. I was in my first semester of college when he snatched me up and spit me out for my first college performance. It was one of the most intense performances of my life. Filled with athletic dancing, emotions with character development, and talented older dancers that I had to step up to run with. Now, I am the most senior member, and it’s been an absolutely tremendous ride.
All throughout college, Iquail had me running up to NYC from Philadelphia for weekend rehearsals, studio showings, performances, or last minute rehearsals to stick me in a show. Never a dull moment in the company. We’ve also had the luxury of being a part of a choreography competition in Pasadena, California, in 2007. Something that amazes me immensely with Iquail, is his ability to keep fighting and dreaming and successfully accomplishing, even when the odds point in the exact opposite position.
I’ve evolved a lot in my dancing and attempted more modern and contemporary styles throughout my career. However, coincidentally the company has changed and molded in its styles as well. It has totally engulfed a more current modern, contemporary ballet fusion, with obvious roots from the director’s dance upbringing. It’s thrilling to be performing in acclaimed theaters and festivals in NYC and Philadelphia. With SummerStage this summer, it feels like our company keeps trumping itself, so I know there will be plenty more of us to come!
keep dancing.