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The Company


Dance Iquail is a 21st century cutting edge dance company that was birthed to not only educate and empower talented dancers and the audience alike, but also to bring positive influence to inner city youth through education and community awareness.
Dance Iquail seeks to enhance the level of appreciation of dance in a spirit of excellence by embracing and pushing the talents of deserving, yet under-recognized dance artists. Founder, Iquail, experienced the injustice and politics in dance during his youth, and decided to make a stand by forming a company that would not only break such cultural and ethnic barriers, but also provide window of countless opportunities for aspiring dancers to be employed in a stable and secure environment.


Mission Statement

Dance Iquail uses the art of dance as a conduit for combating issues of social injustice primarily experienced by the disadvantaged.


Vision Statement

Working in the universal language of movement, DIQ is committed to creating and presenting programs that confront the destructive and divisive nature of racism, sexism, violence, drug and alcohol abuse, the needs of the poor, and the importance of family support and unity. These debilitating problems affect all people because they transcend limitations of ethnicity, gender, or social status. Consequently, DIQ’s ultimate priority is to reflect those beliefs through its works, and through the diversity of it staff, on and off-stage.
  • Elevate (uplift) the level of appreciation, understanding, and execution of the art of dance through concerts and lectures.


  • Enrich the lives of audiences by producing innovative and thought-provoking works by groundbreaking artists.


  • Empower by developing education and community outreach programs (i.e. master classes, workshops, Q&A discussions and artistic exchange programs).


  • Encourage the creative abilities of cutting-edge artists working in visual arts, music, technology, lighting design and costuming to develop dynamic multi-media works of art.


The Board of Trustees

E. Darnell Ryans IIIChair
Franchon Beeks
Lawrence Felzer
Jessica Francisco
Reggie Shuford
American Civil Liberties Union
Iquail ShaheedExecutive Director


The Staff

Iquail ShaheedExecutive Artistic Director
Mia KangDevelopment Associate
Julia Piper Administrative Assistant