=== WooCommerce Name Your Price === 2016.10.17 - version 2.4.2 * New: JS support multiple NYP inputs * Fix: bulk toggle NYP on/off for variations 2016.08.03 - version 2.4.1 * Fix: Update version number in main plugin file 2016.08.02 - version 2.4.0 * New: Add support for order again, fixes loss of NYP price on order again, and payment for pending orders * New: Add filter for woocommerce_variable_subscription_price_html (will work better when Subscriptions changes how they save variations) * Fix: Better price strings for Variable products with NYP variations. Products with no minimum will no longer say From: $0 unless 0 is explicity defined as minimum * Fix: bulk variation actions * Deprecated: Variable billing periods. Existing products will continue to work, but new instances are disabled. Please switch to variable subscriptions instead. * Fix: support CHF thousands seperator (') 2016.05.03 - version 2.3.5 * New: add wc_name_your_price_loaded hook for extending NYP 2015.12.30 - version 2.3.4 * Fix: bug in validation of subscriptions with variable billing period * Fix: display of front-end NYP variation price string * Feature: prepare appropriate disabling of ajax add to cart for NYP product in WC2.5 2015.08.26 - version 2.3.3 * Fix: compatibility of NYP Variations with WooCommerce 2.4 2015.08.22 - version 2.3.2 * Tweak: Switch add to cart $_POST to $_REQUEST globals to support defining price in URL: http://example.com?add-to-cart=99&nyp=25 2015.08.06 - version 2.3.1 * Fix: Incorrect strings in cart for subscriptions with variable billing period 2015.07.30 - version 2.3.0 * Fix: Currency formatting in error messages to match currency label position * Fix: endless loop with Subs 1.0+ * Tweak: Price html strings for variable products with NYP variations 2015.07.22 - version 2.2.8 * Fix: WC2.4 compatibility for variations metaboxes * Fix: Subscriptions 2.0 compatibility * Tweak: slideUp/slideDown NYP errors instead of fadeIN/fadeOut 2015.06.15 - version 2.2.7 * Fix: Prevent infinite prices from being used 2015.06.11 - version 2.2.6 * Tweak: Better compatibility with WooCommerce Quickview * Tweak: Admin price html for Variable NYP products * New: add woocommerce_nyp_get_initial_price filter 2015.04.24 - version 2.2.5 * Fix: fatal error from WC_Subscriptions::$text_domain in admin 2015.04.09 - version 2.2.4 * Fix: accounting.JS bug on variable NYP products with comma decimals 2015.03.28 - version 2.2.3 * Fix: array to string notice for variable billing subscriptions in admin 2015.03.27 - version 2.2.2 * Fix: NYP metabox support for account funds 2015.03.27 - version 2.2.1 * Fix: Fatal error: Class 'WC_Subscriptions_Product' not found 2015.03.23 - version 2.2.0 * Fix: Subscriptions compatibility: array to string notice for variable billing subscriptions 2015.02.26 - version 2.1.1 * Fix: JS formatting- get absolute value of any of negative prices 2015.02.12 - version 2.1.0 * IMPORTANT: Dropped support for WooCommerce 2.0 * New: filter price input HTML * Fix: don't autoformat a null price. ie: empty value in the case of no suggested or minimum prices * Fix: add to cart text for variations now pulled from single_add_to_cart_text() 2014.11.02 - version 2.0.9 * Fix: remove jquery .focus() event because it causes issues if the input is in a widget area or otherwise below the fold 2014.9.25 - version 2.0.8 * Tweak: improved Composites support. props @franticpsyx 2014.9.25 - version 2.0.7 * Tweak: update supported product types to include Composite's new product name 2014.8.27 - version 2.0.6 * Fix: hide minimum price on variable products with multiple NYP variations 2014.8.4 - version 2.0.5 * Fix: removed span tag of class = amount to prevent double amount class which doubles font size, props @splashingpixels * Fix: undefined POST variable array, props @splashingpixels 2014.6.23 - version 2.0.4 * Fix: display of subscription terms on subscription variations * Fix: variable billing period so it only works on simple subscriptions 2014.5.30 - version 2.0.3 * Fix: bug with variable subscriptions not firing WC_Name_Your_Price_Admin::save_product_variation() 2014.4.25 - version 2.0.2 * Fix: remove stray echo from display_price_input() method * Fix: resolve PHP notice in variable_product_sync() method * Tweak: minify scripts 2014.02.25 - version 2.0.1 * Fix: bug with NYP inputs displaying on variable products without NYP variations * Fix: bug with display variable billing checkbox without Subscriptions enabled * Tweak: separate registering and enqueing NYP scripts * Fix: remove Product Bundles script as dependency for front-end NYP script * Fix: bug with NYP not loading with network activation of WooCommerce 2014.01.20 - version 2.0 * MAJOR OVERHAUL! * please revisit any customizations if you were overriding any templates OR * if you were using the global $wc_name_your_price to disable the stylesheet (can be done from settings now) or move markup * New: price input template totally revamped * New: add support for variable and variable subscription products (requires WC 2.1) * New: add support for variable billing periods to simple subscriptions * New: add support for product bundles * Tweak: quick edit disabled for WC 2.0.20, but will work on simple products in 2.1 2013.11.29 - version 1.2.8 * Tweak: change $plugin_path variable to public 2013.09.14 - version 1.2.7 * New: add filters for suggested and minimum price strings 2013.08.28 - version 1.2.6 * Fix: quick edit 2013.08.07 - version 1.2.5 * Fix: Don't break Sensei products 2013.06.10 - version 1.2.4 * New: Compatibility with quick-view 2013.02.26 - version 1.2.3 * Fix: incorrect URL for quick-edit.js 2013.02.26 - version 1.2.2 * Fix: changed validation to allow for inputs with alternative decimals and thousands separators 2013.01.30 - version 1.2.1 * Fix: misspelling of is_puchasable() to is_purchasable() 2013.01.27 - version 1.2 * Fix: Remove disfunctional javascript validation * New: Add filters for raw minimum and suggested prices 2012.12.27 - version 1.1.5 * New: Allow zero price 2012.12.27 - version 1.1.4 * Remove tax label from price input 2012.12.04 - version 1.1.3 * Logic error in WC detection 2012.12.04 - version 1.1.2 * New: New updater * Fix: loop price display bug * Tweak: remove remove_loop_price() method, all handled via filter_suggested_price() method 2012.11.26 - version 1.1.1 * Fix: PHP notices 2012.11.05 - version 1.1 * Tweak: Changed hook for wider theme support * New: support for subscriptions 2012.08.17 - version 1.0 * First Release