=== WF Magnific Lightbox === Contributors: wunderfarm Donate link: http://www.wunderfarm.com/ Tags: lightbox, magnific lightbox, gallery, image, photo, css3, responsive, admin, code, content, embed, html, integration, javascript, plugin, simple, lightweight, multi language, copyright Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 5.1 Stable tag: 0.9.13 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html WF Magnific Lightbox allows the user to view larger versions of images and galleries in a speed optimized and full-responsive lightbox (overlay). == Description == WF Magnific Lightbox is the `wunderfarm-way` to show your images in a truly responsive lightbox. Very easy, 100% responsive, fast and SEO-friendly! = Features: = * Supports all common image types. * Supports Wordpress Galleries and inline images (Wordpress WYSIWYG-Editor). * Image Title, Description and Copyright output * Uses existing copyright informations from EXIF-data already included in your photos. * Multi-language Support for polylang-plugin from Chouby and the WPML-plugin from wpml.org * Truly responsive lightbox with css bases resizing * Speeds up the loading time because takes advantage of progressive image loading. Thanks to Dmitry Semenov for the original script ([Magnific Popup](http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/ "Magnific Popup - Responsive jQuery Lightbox Plugin")) and the permission to publish it as a part of this wordpress plugin. == Installation == 1. Upload `WF Magnific Lightbox` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. If you want to set custom settings, go to Settings menu > WF Magnific Lightbox. == Screenshots == 1. WF Magnific Lightbox supports Title, Description and Copyright output 2. Uses existing copyright informations from EXIF-data already included in your photos 3. Multi-language Support for polylang-plugin from Chouby and the WPML-plugin from wpml.org 4. Truly responsive lightbox with css bases resizing == Changelog == = 0.9.13 = Added support for WordPress 5.0 block galleries. = 0.9.12 = Bugfix: Image descriptions not showing up. = 0.9.11 = Ignore Links with data-wfml="disabled" - Attribute as suggested by @mechter. = 0.9.10 = Allow image descriptions from the link tag. = 0.9.9 = Bugfix: “Download” Attribute check. = 0.9.8 = Ignore Links with HTML5 “Download” Attribute. Minor Bugfixes. = 0.9.7 = Bugfix: Gallery-Captions not updating properly for images without description. = 0.9.6 = More improvements for compatibility with older PHP versions. = 0.9.5 = Improvements to ensure compatibility with older PHP versions. = 0.9.4 = Image titles and descriptions for Tiled Galleries. = 0.9.3 = Added support for Tiled Galleries. = 0.9.2 = New option to force the link to media file. = 0.9.1 = Bugfix: Mediafiles not loading in rare cases. = 0.9.0 = Bugfixes: Removed double quotes from inline images. Minor JS Bugfixes. Added lightbox translation for RU. = 0.8.9 = Added lightbox translation for DE/IT/FR/PT. = 0.8.8 = Bugfix: Check for gallery-images by rel attribute. = 0.8.7 = Add the feature to group images in galleries by the rel tag. = 0.8.6 = WF Magnific Lightbox uses the wordpress built in gallery now without override it's output. Minor Bugfixes. = 0.8.5 = Multi-language support & new option to preset 'Link to Media-File' in galleries. = 0.8.4 = Enabled copyright import from EXIF data. Minor Bugfixes. = 0.8.3 = Translations for DE/IT & new Copyright-Prefix Setting. = 0.8.2 = Outsourcing and clean up settings, JS and CSS code. Bugfixes. = 0.8.1 = Wohoo let's go!