Button Label

Label Type

This setting will change what appears on the button. Choose an icon to put on the button or choose custom text to add your own text.

Icon Size

If you chose an icon for the 'label type' setting then this will determine the size of the icon. If you chose 'custom text' then this setting is not available.

Custom Label Text

If you chose 'custom text' for the 'label type' setting then this is where you can enter the text to display on the button. If you chose an icon then this field is not available.

Font Size

If you chose 'custom text' for the 'label type' setting then this is how you can set the font size. Font sizes are in px. I have included a auto font-sizing javascript library with this plugin. To enable auto-sizing for the font size simply enter a 0 in this field and the plugin will handle the rest.