Animation Options

Scroll Duration

This setting determines how long it takes for the page to scroll to the top. Values here are in milliseconds. Note that 500-100 is recommended for the best results, but you can enter any value you like here.

Visibility Duration

This setting is the time the button will be shown after the user scrolls down the page. The default value of 0 means that the option is disabled and the button will not time out. A value greater then 0 milliseconds will cause the button to timeout after the set amount of time has passed. If you choose to use this option I recommend a value between 1500ms-2500ms.

Fade Duration

This setting will change how fast the button fades in and out of the screen after the scrolling threshold is reached. Values here are in milliseconds. Note that 500-100 is recommended for the best results, but you can enter any value you like here.